Changes log for the ZIP Container Ruby Gem¶ ↑
Version 3.0.2¶ ↑
Update rubyzip dependency to fix security vulnerability.
Version 3.0.1¶ ↑
Fix deep content verification bug.
Version 3.0.0¶ ↑
Refactor the malformed container error constructor.
Verifying entries only raises errors at the last moment.
Redesign the verification system.
Update badges to use SVG versions.
Fix the documentation for updated verify methods.
Fix Container#verify so that it returns consistent types.
Rename ContainerError -> Error.
Reword the exceptions so they don’t specify “file”.
Add ruby 2.2.0 to the Travis test matrix.
Add a compatibility note about ContainerError.
Improve the Usage information in the ReadMe.
Version 2.2.0¶ ↑
Fix pathname bug in
. -
Fixup docs to refer to containers rather than documents.
Fix the base class in the recursive methods.
Add an internal compatibility method Dir#entries.
Add a compatibility method Dir#read.
Version 2.1.0¶ ↑
Set up the Container superclass.
Open the container from the superclass.
Check and read the mimetype file in the superclass.
Initialize reserved names and managed entries in the superclass.
Refactor mimetype verification.
Move container verification into the superclass.
Update the example scripts to the new API.
Move ::open to the Container superclass.
Move ::verify and ::verify! to the superclass.
Add the
class. -
Add a test for a mimetype entry that is a directory.
Add a test for an unreadable mimetype file.
Update dependencies.
Disambiguate the two test classes for File and Dir.
Version 2.0.0¶ ↑
Change API: Container => File.
Refactor exceptions so we can shadow rubyzip exceptions.
Use the shadowed ZipError in the tests.
Use the shadowed ZipError in the example scripts.
Update the exceptions to use Zip::Error.
Refactor managed file and directory initializers.
Add the new Util module with a helper method.
Toggle managed files as hidden in normal use.
Update find_entry to take hidden files into account.
Fix the managed files and directories lists.
Update the hidden file detection code.
Cache managed entry lists.
Split up the hidden entry/find_entry tests.
Update get_entry to take hidden files into account.
Mixin the Util module to the ManagedEntry class.
Update glob to take hidden files into account.
Improve Util::entry_name to be more robust.
Remove old Container compatibility.
Document removal of
in the ReadMe. -
Update rubyzip version to latest (1.1.6).
Version 1.1.0¶ ↑
Bump version of rubyzip to 1.1.4.
Version 1.0.0¶ ↑
Update to use version 1.0.0 of rubyzip.
Version 0.9.0¶ ↑
Generalize the Container Error class names.
Polish example scripts.
Version 0.8.0¶ ↑
Abstract out all the underlying zip functionality and turn this library into a basic ZIP Container provider.
Version 0.5.0¶ ↑
Add support for managed entries in the container.
Verify and “optional” functionality for ManagedEntry.
Use reserved and managed entry mixins for managed directories.
Better initialization of managed entry support.
Fix creation of subclassed Container objects.
Add extra tests for managed entries.
Make file validation more flexible.
Fix the source of failing validation messages.
Version 0.1.0¶ ↑
Improvements to the reserved names code to allow sub-classing.
Move exceptions to a new source file.
Use a base class for UCF exceptions.
Standardize the MalformedUCFError exception messages.
Add an exception for clashes with reserved names.
Implement Container#add to avoid using reserved names.
Raise an exception if renaming to a reserved name.
Implement Container#mkdir to avoid using reserved names.
Make sure testing reserved names copes with trailing slashes.
Fake up the connection to ZipFileSystem.
Implement Container#get_output_stream to respect reserved names.
Can now set comments on the UCF document.
Implement the close and commit methods.
Forward the commit_required? method.
Separate the opening and checking of a UCF document.
Documentation improvements and cleanup.
Version 0.0.2¶ ↑
Update the main ReadMe file.
Add support for multiple reserved names and fix checks.
Ensure UCF document is closed after verifying it.
Expose the “each” method for enumerating UCF entries.
Expose the “size” method to count UCF entries.
Add an example program to list UCF contents.
Add a method to directly iterate over UCF entries.
Version 0.0.1¶ ↑
Very basic UCF facilities complete (plus examples).
Two ways of verifying UCF files.
API documentation added.
Add tests.
About this Changes file¶ ↑
This file is, at least in part, generated by the following command:
$ git log --pretty=format:"* %s" --reverse --no-merges <commit-hash>..